APIfication –with Microservices

APIfication –with Microservices

APIfication is a core building block for Digital readiness and transformation. It brings in more flexibility; agility and reduced time to market to your business. It allows enterprises to expose the key features of their applications with their internal and external business.

IT consulting

IT consulting

The passionate IT consultants at Tanvai provide consultancies around building new technology framework; choice of best fit architecture / technology based on the business and technology model;

Enterprise resource planning

Enterprise resource planning

ERP systems enable businesses to have greater insight and visibility into their supply chain operations. It helps them integrate areas such a planning, purchasing, inventory, sales marketing, finance and human resources. It serves as central nervous system for a business and provides 360° visibility into operations and help the stakeholders take informed decisions.

Block chain development

Block chain development

Blockchain is an interesting trend. It feels like everyone is talking about it, but very few actually understand exactly what it is or how it works. Even fewer are using it.

It could be a significant game changer for financial industries, Luxury good networks, Healthcare, Supply chain systems and Digital Identity verifications.

Testing services

Testing services

We use numerous accelerators to design Agile test strategies that meet our customer needs for digital testing, mobile testing, cloud testing, data testing, web application testing, performance testing and automation testing services.

Big data and BI

Big data and BI

Big data is growing fast as organizations devote technology resources to tapping the terabytes of data flowing into their organizations and externally in social media data and other sources.

Integrating advanced analytics for big data with BI systems is an important step towards gaining full return on investment.

Cloud computing services

Cloud computing services

Cloud computing is an emerging area of distributed computing that offers many potential benefits to organizations by making IT services available as a commodity. When they contract for cloud services; such as applications, software, data storage and processing capabilities, organizations can improve their efficiency and their ability to respond more quickly and reliably to their customer needs.

E-commerce Development

E-commerce Development

Globalization has bridged the boundaries for trade and communication like never before. With the advent of e-commerce, the internet is transformed into a huge marketplace. According to the Forbes, e-commerce solutions are becoming essential for small to medium-sized businesses as online sales are growing at 50-60 % year over year.

Enterprise web application development

Enterprise web application development

We build software; especially custom software which will increasingly be part of your competitive edge. We understand the essential preps and pillars of an enterprise application development and help you stay ahead with the trends; by apprehending the new gamut of technology stack and plan accordingly.

Mobile application development

Mobile application development

The smartphones or mobiles have arrived in a big way; changing the very way the businesses function. For those businesses who wish to stay ahead of their competition, it is wise to build a strong presence with the mobile apps to bring value to the demanding modern customers.